Project Development Advances with Reorganization

Project Development Advances with Reorganization


With the design and engineering of Model 4.0 essentially finished, we have been able to put more attention into the development of our projects. Our stretch goal is to order 50 Wind Harvester turbines right after we validate our modeling for a third time with data from the pair of Model 4.0s that will be undergoing US Small Wind Certification right next to our Model 3.0 in Texas. Given it will take six months to deliver turbines after ordering them, these 50 should be delivered to project sites in early 2024. 

The key to our confidence about meeting our project milestones is Alana Steele, our new General Counsel and COO of our soon-to-be wholly owned subsidiary, Wind Harvest Renewables (WHR), dedicated to project development. Once a new project is ready for construction, WHR will form a new company to finance and own that specific project.     

Alana comes to us with a rich background in the wind and solar farm development. She was the General Counsel and COO of Western Wind when it financed and constructed two projects in California and one wind/solar project in Arizona, along with multiple projects in various stages of development, including in Puerto Rico. Her wealth of experience is fundamental to how efficient and effective she is at getting things done.  

In her role, Alana leads an experienced project development team, including Kelsey Wolf-Cloud, who is now a Project Planner, Max Mueller who is moving up to become a Project and Data Analyst, and Dr. Ariana Marshall who is our lead in Barbados. Kelsey has worked with Wind Harvest in a part-time role for over five years. Max interned with us last summer and started working for us full-time shortly after he graduated with honors from UCLA, double majoring in Physics and German. Ariana has been working as a consultant with Wind Harvest for six years and has a slate of pending permits for our projects. In addition, Alana knows a suite of expert consultants who can come in and help with specific tasks. We are excited by the progress the new team is making both in advancing existing projects and in developing new ones.

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Contact: Jen Hoover,

Wind Harvest International, Inc. is a California-based renewable energy technology company, founded in 2006. The company makes, sells, and develops projects for its Wind Harvester brand of H-type turbines, the only known product designed to harvest the highly energetic, turbulent wind that blows 15-80 feet above the ground. Wind Harvest’s wholly-owned financial subsidiary Wind Harvest Pilot Project Inc. raises funds and loans it to the parent company.