Final steps before start up

Bringing a prototype turbine through the last tasks before operation involves a process of sequential steps, each one critically dependent on the completion of the previous. Commercial turbines, like our Model 4.0, benefit greatly from the deliberate and meticulous processes its predecessors go through.

The process is as follows:

  1. Before 3.1 can go through the fine-tuning of rotor balancing, the system needs to be energized and all systems verified and calibrated prior to the braking system being brought online.
  2. Once the braking system is online, the rotor and driveshaft can be safely connected to the generator.
  3. The control system will then be tested and verified, and initial data samples will be collected and analyzed.
  4. Data will then be collected to again verify the accuracy of our Frequency Response (harmonic resonance) model.

Only after these steps does the turbine start to generate energy and collect data for its power performance curve and validation of projected Annual Energy Output.

Contact: Jen Hoover,

Wind Harvest International, Inc. is a California-based renewable energy technology company, founded in 2006. The company makes, sells, and develops projects for its Wind Harvester brand of H-type turbines, the only known product designed to harvest the highly energetic, turbulent wind that blows 15-80 feet above the ground. Wind Harvest’s wholly-owned financial subsidiary Wind Harvest Pilot Project Inc. raises funds and loans it to the parent company.