Wind Harvest Granted Patent for VAWT with Vertical Braces

Inventors: Olamide Ajala-Inyang, Alin Ionut Munteanu, Jeffrey Willis, David John Malcolm, Antonio Ojeda

On August 27, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office granted Wind Harvest a patent for a VAWT featuring vertical braces (US 12071930). This innovative design, born from extensive prototyping, utilizes steel sections as connecting pieces to offer several key advantages:

  • Enhanced Structural Support: Vertical braces provide robust internal support, ensuring the turbine’s rigidity and stability under demanding wind conditions.
  • Improved Load Distribution: By evenly distributing mechanical loads, vertical braces reduce stress on individual components, enhancing the turbine’s overall durability.
  • Reduced Vibrations: The increased rigidity provided by vertical braces contributes to a smoother operation, minimizing vibrations and improving efficiency.
  • Less Drag: The braces replace cables that helped hold up the arms in all previous Wind Harvest VAWTs. Because the braces are closer to the center than cable connections, they travel at a lower speed and result in significantly lower levels of drag.

A distinctive feature of our patented design is the ability to attach the vertical braces (#122 below) to the flat sides of a hexagonal-shaped mast. This departure from traditional cylindrical masts enables a more secure and efficient connection for various components, including arms, drive shaft top end, and bracing members.

We anticipate that the largest wind turbine OEMs will enter the mid-level VAWT market and be eager to adopt our vertical brace technology. Their own computer modeling will tell them that using vertical braces leads to significant cost savings and increased energy production. Each patent we are granted increases the royalty income from the OEMs that will need our patents to make competitive and durable VAWTs. Read more about Wind Harvest’s growing patent portfolio.

Note: The drawing of the arm mast connection with this vertical braces patent was submitted before the team came up with the hinge and pin connection (US 12060864).

Contact: Jen Hoover,

Wind Harvest International, Inc. is a California-based renewable energy technology company, founded in 2006. The company makes, sells, and develops projects for its Wind Harvester brand of H-type turbines, the only known product designed to harvest the highly energetic, turbulent wind that blows 15-80 feet above the ground. Wind Harvest’s wholly-owned financial subsidiary Wind Harvest Pilot Project Inc. raises funds and loans it to the parent company.